The Carousel of Happiness in Nederland, CO
History: The original carousel was built in 1910 by C.I.D. Looff for the Saltair Park in Salt Lake City, Utah. In 1959, the park went bankrupt and the carousel was given to the Utah State Training School where it remained until 1986, when it was disassembled and sold. One buyer wanted only the figures. Scott Harrison, a USMC Vietnam Veteran, bought the frame. He rebuilt the frame and began a 26 year project of hand-carving 56 wooden animals and a few chariots. Some of these figures are jumping while others are stationary.
The town of Nederland came together to help construct a building to house the carousel and a grand opening was held in 2010. It also has a fully restored 1913 Wurlitzer band organ.
Unique Figures: Giraffe with snake, Frog, Moose, Zebra, Rooster, Fish, Goose, Peacock, Ostrich
Directions: Just off CO Hwy 119, 20 Lakeview Dr. Nederland, CO 80466 (At the west end of the parking lot for B&F Mountain Market)
Phone: 303-258-3457
Hours: Winter: Thursday-Monday 11am-6pm; Summer: May 15 M-F 10am-6pm SS 10am-7pm
Price: $3
Website: www.carouselofhappiness.org