Elitch Gardens Carousel Denver, CO
History: This all wooden carousel was built between 1925-1928 by the Philadelphia Toboggan Company (PTC) and is also known as PTC#51.
It is the second PTC carousel to be at Elitch Gardens with the first one, PTC#6, being sold to Kit Carson County because it did not have any jumping horses.
This newer model, PTC#51, has overhead cranks creating 44 jumping horses and 2 roman chariots with a total of 67 horses in all. It does not have a band organ.
Today you can still see the Historic Elitch Carousel Dome which originally housed the carousel in the old Elitch Gardens located at 38th and Tennyson from 1928 to 1995. Then, the carousel and the rest of the amusement park was moved to their new location in downtown Denver where it remains today.
Unique Figures: Roman chariots with angels and cherubs; armored horses
Directions: 229 Walnut St. Denver, CO 80204
Phone: 303-595-4386
Hours: 10am-10pm; Memorial Day to Labor Day
Price: Included with park admission
Website: www.elitchgardens.com